Thursday, September 11, 2008

writer's block... of course.

and wouldn't you know that as soon as I've started blogging about this I get writer's block?

it often happens and it's one of the most annoying facets of writing. There's a lot in writing you have to work at and put time into, but very little that you can force. This is especially true of flash fiction, where every word is a limited commodity. Ideas have to be strong, clear, and expressible, and when you're not sure of the central concept, this is tough to write.

This doesn't mean that nothing can be done while you're blocked. When the ideas aren't flowing, you can still edit, review what you've written, send submissions out, blog uselessly about how much writer's block sucks, and otherwise keep the juices flowing until the ideas come back. This stuff helps with the creative process, because it's thinking about ideas without having to strain at thinking about ideas.

Which doesn't make it suck any less when you hit the wall and can't see where to go.

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