Tuesday, September 16, 2008

gods, new and old, small and large

doing a series of short stories that deal with the gifts of the gods. After I wrote the first one, Aja said she wanted to see others about the gifts being wasted. I like that as an idea and I want to combine it with the idea that there should be no such thing as an entirely positive gift from the gods. There's a Cranberries album (I think) called Equally Cursed and Blessed, and I think that in narrative form these two aspects should be the same thing. A god only gives you misfortune to see how you rise above it. A god only gives you power to see how you waste it.

that's because gods are bastards

that's because gods are us.

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Interesting. Now I can put a face to the name. Or, I guess, and face and a name to pseudonym.

Unsurprisingly, you are a fantastic writer.