Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm not doing too well on this writing blog thing, am I? Might be because I just haven't written much lately. Non writing life is hectic in a dull way I won't bore you with.

I've been having ideas but not been sure what to do with them. The Jack In The Green sequel keeps stalling, and I think part of that is that I don't see the incentive to write it at the moment. Other things I'm having ideas about include trying to do a different take on the "fun" superhero thing (Basically, I wanted to do a comic about a superhero who essentially beats up bad guys in costumes and has adventures, then thought about how to make that possible with a semi real world setting without it either being GRITTY GRITTY GRITTY or "hey, let's entirely ignore reality". I think I figured out something that works). The problem with having superhero ideas is that I don't have an artist to work with. I work best when I know the artist who will be doing stuff with me, and at the moment I don't have anyone to work with.

So, if you're an artist interested in doing some projects together, let me know, I have some ideas that I think could work brilliantly.